A traitor is someone who betrays a friend, a country, or a principle. To betray your country is to deliberately do harm to its foundational principles.
Forty one US Senators are sponsoring a proposed Constitutional Amendment that would, if enacted, deliberately do harm to our country by destroying the foundational principle of free speech upon which our strength and peaceful existence relies. We have forty one traitors in the US Senate.
The proposed amendment would grant the Federal government and each State government the power to regulate raising and spending of money and in-kind equivalents in elections, including setting limits on the amount of contributions to candidates, and the amount of funds that may be spent by in support of, or in opposition to such candidates.
In other words, these 41 US Senators are demanding that the government have the power to tell people how much money they can spend communicating their views to other people.
There could be no more clear indication that our political class is now committed to the consolidation of power in government, rather than in the people. The people need to know who these Senators are so they will know who to remove from public office. Here is the list of sponsors.
Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]*
Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]*
Sen. Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]*
Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]*
Sen. King, Angus S. Jr. [I-ME]*
Sen. Murphy, Christopher S. [D-CT]*
Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]
Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]
Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY]
Sen. Mikulski, Barbara A. [D-MD]
Sen. Rockefeller, John D., IV [D-WV]
Regards, Pete Weldon